Fine Jewels
拍品 1425:
Suspending a trio of heart-shaped jadeite cabochons of bright green color with emerald green suffusion and good translucency, embellished with brilliant-cut diamond accents, to the detachable neck chain, mounted in platinum, jadeite measuring approximately 10.34 x 10.03 x 3.85 mm, pendant length 5.00 cm, neck chain length 45.00 cm
Accompanied by a report from the Hong Kong Jadeite & Stone Laboratory, stating that the cabochon is natural jadeite and no resin is detected, report no. SJ 121295, dated 28th August 2015
天然翡翠吊墜/項鍊,配以小鑽,鑲鉑金,翡翠尺寸約10.34×10.03×3.85毫米,吊墜長度5.00公分,項鍊長 度45.00公分(可拆除),附 HKJSL 證書